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Leipzig, Germany
May 25th, 2007 to May 28th, 2007
WGT DAY 2: Amatris, Midnattsol, Untoten, ASP (acoustic), Zeraphine, Haggard, Moonspell, Rotersand, Psyclon Nine

Day 2 of this year’s WGT came and we were all excited about the bands that we planned on seeing this day. Looking at our schedule for this day, I could hardly wait starting this day with the first concert. The weather was beautiful but maybe a little bit too warm, especially looking at some of the outfits some people wore that day. We all were sweating like hell but it didn’t matter because we knew, there would be air conditioning and so, we were ready to enjoy the upcoming concerts.  

AMATRIS (Anne Kuhfuß)

The Gothic-Metal-Band AMATRIS was founded in 2001 by the singer Helge Barth. Bittersweet keyboard melodies meet hard guitar riffs accompanied by female and male voices. The lyrics tell stories about lies, intrigues and violence of mankind, end-time visions, death, and desperation - but also about hope. The debut album ‘Between Visions and Reality’ was produced and distributed by the band itself in 2003. This was followed by diverse club- and festival gigs, and they qualified on two newcomer contests for the final round. In case of support - and festival gigs, AMATRIS played with bands like ELIS, SUIDAKRA, THE CRÜXSHADOWS, FUNHOUSE, SCHELMISH and PROJEKT PITCHFORK.

In the year 2004 the band played the first international gig at the Rock La Mures Festival in Romania. The bandleader Holger Warschkow (bass guitar) and Helge Barth made the decision to play with guest-musicians and made a tour in the summer of 2005 until Bucharest with them. In the end of 2005 Holger and Helge decided to produce the second CD with Romanian guest-musicians in Romania. The Album ‘Before the Final Journey’ was produced in the Neo Sonix-Studio/Timisoara and finished in the beginning of 2006. Many positive national and international reviews followed the production. After the production AMATRIS signed a contract with the renowned German label and distribution company TWILIGHT. After this Helge and Holger formed a new fixed German line up. They made a tour in the summer of 2006 through Germany, Slovakia and Romania. In 2007 the new album ‘Imprisoned’ was produced. There you will find also elements of Black / Death / Doom-Metal. /

The female singer’s voice was stunning and the guitars were good but I didn’t really like the singing of the male singer. The match of screaming and her high voice was awesome but as soon as he started singing, it ruined the whole picture of this actually pretty good band. They played a 30-minute show and in my opinion, that was enough. Their music isn’t bad but I just couldn’t stand him singing besides her really great voice. Other members of the band, like the drummer or the guitarist, did an awesome job. The melodies of the band are really good structured and set a door to a new world.

Coming up on stage, I didn’t really know what to think about the band. Their clothes were cut and they had blood all over their bodies. I knew they don’t play black metal or anything like that, so I was surprised to see them having this blood all over. They did a good show, especially the female singer. Her hair was fantastic and when she started head-banging all eyes were on her. That was probably the best thing that happened during their 30-minutes show. It wasn’t really an eye catcher what they did on stage.

The age of the members on stage varied a lot. You had this really young guy at the one guitar and this older one – who always posed like hell – on the other one. It was pretty interesting to watch the different characters come together on one stage.

Music 6
Performance 6
Sound 7
Light 7
Total 6.3

MIDNATTSOL (Anne Kuhfuß)

MIDNATTSOL is a gothic metal and folk metal band from Germany and Norway. Their sound is essentially gothic metal, with some folk influences in the melodies. Their lyrics are largely based on Norwegian folk tales. Their first full-length album, ‘Where Twilight Dwells’, was released in 2005; they are expecting to release a new album in the first half of 2007. MIDNATTSOL means "midnight sun" in Norwegian.

Although their sound can be classified as gothic metal, the band prefers to call their style "Nordic folk metal" because of the folk elements in their music and occasional Norwegian lyrics. Guitarists Daniel Droste and Christian Hector recently joined forces with Stephan Adolph to form AHAB, a German funeral doom band. Chris Merzinsky and Birgit Öllbrunner are also playing in the band RAW INTENSE POWER. /

After seeing AMATRIS, I really liked their music. Her voice was nice and the sound was heavy and really matched to it. They had some dominating guitar riffs on the one site and on the other one, they had those sequences where the only thing you could hear was her beautiful voice. All in all, my type of music with a lot more to it than I thought they would bring.

After having some problems with the electronics of the bass at first, their performance was really good and they showed that they are worth to be watched. Especially the two girls on stage were interesting to watch. It’s pretty seldom that you see a female bassist on stage but she did her thing and their show was really good. You could see that they had a lot of charisma. They were always friendly by talking to the audience and so, it was a lot of fun.

Music 8
Performance 7
Sound 8
Lights 7
Total 7.6

UNTOTEN (Anne Kuhfuß)

Since quite a while UNTOTEN are one of the most creative bands of the scene - now they can also be called one of the most productive ones! It was only last year when UNTOTEN released the excellent final album of their much praised ‘Grabsteinland’- trilogy and now they are back with another one and not only with one CD - ‘Die Blutgräfin’ is a double-CD.

It’s about the life of the legendary Elisabeth Bathory, who lived in Hungary around 1600 and is said to have killed about 600 girls and bathed in their blood to gain eternal youth. David A. Line and Greta Csatlos are a wonderful duo and certainly the perfect cast for this topic. And this year at the WGT they showed all their talent in a wonderful acoustic concert. /

Although I couldn’t see anything but heads and bodies in front of me, I could still hear the beautiful music. Greta’s voice was stunning and every time she started singing the high notes, you were set into a different world where anything was beautiful. You really had Goosebumps almost the whole concert. It was just brilliant and an experience nobody will ever forget!

I wasn’t really able to see anything even though I had my press ID. The room was overfilled with people trying to see anything. It was hot and you could barely breathe at all. Although the circumstances weren’t the best, the concert was wonderful and her voice was brilliant as ever.

Music 10
Performance -
Sound 9
Light 7
Total 9.1

ASP (Anne Kuhfuß)

ASP is a German Gothic band from Frankfurt / Main. The band was formed in 1999 and named after its lead singer Asp (short for Alexander Spreng). ASP on stage are Asp (mastermind, songwriter and singer), Matthias Ambré (producer, guitar player, backing vocal), Tossi (bass, backing vocal) and Oliver Himmighoffen (live drummer). In the last years ASP evolved into a shooting star of German gothic scene and they were one of the headliners at the WGT this year. /

Asp’s voice was stunning that day although it had been really hot the whole day. Playing songs from almost all his CDs, this afternoon was a real best-of of the career of ASP, all presented in an acoustic manner. The audience really liked the whole concert and so did I. It was one of the best acoustic concerts I have ever seen in my life although it was a little short on time. Very nice and surprising was also that HUBERT KAH, a hero from the “Neue Deutsche Welle”, joined in the show.

Right after the UNTOTEN we were excited about the upcoming band: ASP. And this time, I was even able to see something because of the mirrors that were hung up at the walls. After having some technical problems and beginning later than it was planned, the concert finally started and the mood in the room was awesome right up from the beginning.

Asp did a good show with a lot of great songs. The audience was thrilled by his voice and the whole setting as an acoustic concert.

Music 10
Performance 8
Sound 9
Light 7
Total 8.8

ZERAPHINE (Anne Kuhfuß)

Sven Friedrich (vocals) and Norman Selbig (guitars), together with Berlin producer Thommy Hein, laid the foundation stone for ZERAPHINE after their previous band DREADFUL SHADOWS had broken up in 2000. The first ZERAPHINE CD ‘Kalte Sonne’, out in 2002, was recorded at Hein's studio. ‘Kalte Sonne’ turned into a surprising debut: sung entirely in German, the album proved to be a highly intense aural experience, a journey through emotional lyrics and dark sounds which alternated between aggression and melancholia. Despite, or maybe because of the high standards that particularly the lyrical side of the album set for its listeners, ‘Kalte Sonne’ was an immediate success, and the readers of Orkus magazine voted ZERAPHINE "Newcomer of the Year 2002". During the summer of 2006 ZERAPHINE was moving between their roots in Gothic-Rock and the contemporary Alternative-Sounds scenes. The single, which includes the title track, ‘Still’ and ‘Inside Your Arms’ as a double "A" side release made it perfectly clear in the clubs that ZERAPHINE could hold their own beside the big names in the genre. By focusing on their strengths and making no compromises the band has come into their own. The compositions, lyrics, vocals and production all came together at the heart of what makes the band unique. ‘Still’ is not only to be said ZERAPHINE’s best album to date, it is also one of the most beautiful and convincing albums that you could listen to in 2006 - from any corner of the world! /

Since I’m a big fan of this band, I found the music was awesome. They all played fantastic and Sven’s voice just put the rest to it. Probably everybody at the Parkbühne that night was thrilled to see this awesome band perform. Although they had a strict time limit, they still played some additional songs. All in all, it was an awesome concert with beautiful weather.

Arriving there a little late, we had some problems to get close to the stage but we finally did it and a great concert was about to start. I waited 4 years to finally see this awesome band perform and this evening was definitely one of the best ones I’ve ever had. Being as stunning as ever, Sven Friedrich delivered a feeling on stage that was just incredible. You could feel that he performed with all of his heart. The audience was stunned by all the emotion he put in the songs.

Music 10
Performance 10
Sound 9
Light 9
Total 9.7

HAGGARD (Ruth Gräbeldinger)

HAGAGRD was founded in 1991 and originally played death metal. They changed their musical style after their first demo tape, ‘Introduction’ in 1992, becoming a band with symphonic melodies and classical instruments but folk themes. The album ‘And Thou Shalt Trust... the Seer’ marked their breakthrough in 1997. After their second album ‘Awaking the Centuries’, they toured through Mexico twice. In 2004, they released their third album ‘Eppur Si Muove’ which is about the life of Italian scholar, Galileo Galilei, sentenced to house arrest for heresy by the Church for supporting Copernicus' claim that the Earth revolved around the sun.

Just before their album ‘Awaking the Centuries’ was released, the group had its highest number of musicians at 21. All their songs are written by vocalist and guitarist, Asis Nasseri. Currently, HAGGARD are working on their fourth album, ‘Tales of Ithiria’, which will be based on a fantasy story, according to an interview given by Asis Nasseri to in August 2005. ‘Tales of Ithiria’ is scheduled for release the June 29, 2007. /

The German Metal orchestra HAGGARD also was to play this night at the Kohlrabizirkus, so I was sure to be there. Their sound is a melange of Metal with classical music and medieval or Renaissance elements. So on stage, the guitar and bass are played next to stringed and various percussion instruments. Concerning the vocals, Asis Nasseri is responsible for the deep, nearly Death Metal-like growling, whereas Susanne (skilled soprano) does the clear singing. All in all their songs are very diversified and energetic, and are lyrically treating historical topics, like Nostradamus' life (‘And Thou Shalt Trust... The Seer’-1997, ‘Awaking The Centuries’-2000) or the living of Galileo Galilei (‘Eppur Si Muove’,2004), also using different languages like French, Russian or Latin beside the common English and German. This night they played stuff from all three albums, mainly from their latest output - like the title track ‘Eppur Si Muove’, but also older stuff like ‘In a Pale Moon's Shadow’ from their 1997 release. 

HAGGARD are always nice to watch and listen to when they are doing a live show. Apart from their ability to bring their songs  on stage adequately and with a good sound, they also do a fantastic performance. Be it Asis' impressive appearance, standing behind his microphone, playing the guitar und filling their lyrics with life, Susanne dancing and singing passionately or Claudio (guitars) posing and banging wildly - there is always a lot of action on stage, and sometimes you don't know where to look first. The congenial Metal orchestra will be on a European tour starting in September to promote their new release (June 29th), so watch out for them. 


1. Per Aspera Ad Astra
2. In A Fullmoon Procession
3. Eppur Si Muove
4. Herr Mannelig
5. In A Pale Moon's Shadow
6. Awaking The Centuries

Music: 7
Performance: 8
Sound: 7
Light: 7
Total: 7.3

MOONSPELL (Anne Kuhfuß)

MOONSPELL is a Portuguese Gothic Metal band, formed in 1992 and released their first EP ‘Under the Moonspell’ in 1994, a year before the release of their first album ‘Wolfheart’. The band quickly gained status and became one of the most recognized metal bands from Portugal. MOONSPELL reached the Portuguese top chart positions with their album ‘Sin/Pecado’ and were, along with METALLICA and IRON MAIDEN, the only metal band to reach the first place of the Portuguese charts after the release of their latest album, ‘Memorial’, in 2006. With ‘Memorial’, MOONSPELL also became the first Portuguese heavy metal band to have a record certified gold status. They are also very popular in Germany, where ‘Memorial’ entered the Top 100 Charts on rank 68. /

MOONSPELL is a great Gothic Metal band that really knows how to play their instruments. The singer’s voice was stunning as always and the guitars really had their own thing to it. The drums were brilliant and the whole setting was just unbelievable. This night, MOONSPELL really showed what they are able to do and this was definitely one of the best concerts I’ve seen so far.

After HAGGARD played their show, the Kohlrabizirkus was filled with people and you could barely walk in it without stepping on somebody’s feet. MOONSPELL was one of the bands why I wanted to go to the WGT this year and with their performance, they really proofed all their skills in playing music. They had a big scene build up behind them on stage with a huge picture of the MOONSPELL logo. The light was fantastic and the concert was awesome. The guys really know how to rock the stage and the audience - and me.

Music 10
Performance 10
Sound 9
Lights 9
Total 9.7

ROTERSAND (Karolina Moszkowicz)

ROTERSAND, formed by Rasc and Gun in September 2002 and later joined by Krischan E. Wesenberg, play highly dynamic, invigorating and danceable electro music. At the Wave Gotik Treffen concert they evoked mass enthusiasm among their audience and provided an amazing musical background for a fantastic party that started the moment they entered the stage.  /

ROTERSAND started their gig with ‘Almost Violent’ and it was a perfect choice to stimulate euphoria that was slowly engulfing the crowd. This highly dynamic, energetic and catchy song introduced the atmosphere of the whole concert and it was marked by powerful music, great rhythm and speed that was incredibly breathtaking. The other songs we could hear were of similar style:  ‘Merging Oceans’, ‘Electronic World Transmission’ and ‘Exterminate Annihilate Destroy’ (sang by the three artists: Rasc, Gun and Krischan  - it was as in invigorating scanning that really smashed the listeners). During the concert Tom of [:SITD:] also appeared on the stage and gave a great performance together with Rasc.

On the very start Rasc announced they finally got back to Germany and expressed his joy of the very fact. The welcome by the audience gave the band seem to prove big love and admiration ROTERSAND experience from their fans in the said country. The concert, as I mentioned, followed a highly energetic line and made many people dance. The applause was unbelievable: hundreds of hands in the air, people singing and one big disco in Agra Hall: that was definitely a splendid view and to participate in such a gig was so real pleasure.

Rasc's charismatic manner and his ability to establish contact with the audience as well as humorous comments definitely helped him to win the audience's attention. The exchange of energy between the fans and the artists was so fine I felt a positive effect of it long hours after the concert finished.

Music: 10
Performance: 9
Light: 9
Sound: 10
Total: 9.6

PSYCLON NINE (Karolina Moszkowicz)

PSYCLON NINE, formed in 2000 in San Francisco, consists of four members: Nero Bellum, Josef Heresy, Abbey Nex and Dr. Sevin. Their artistic output is collected on three albums: ‘Divine Infekt’, ‘INRI’ and the newest one  ‘Crwn Thy Frnicatr’. /

The music presented by PSYCLON NINE is a combination of harsh, powerful and appealing vocals and incredibly fast, ravishing melodies that are combined with electronic sounds and fierce guitars. Danceable, yet not repetitive, their music is a mixture of disco inferno, inspired industrial and devilish motives giving the final result in a form of  destructive example of “aggrotech” music. Their concert at Wave Gotik Treffen was a part of “Crwn Thy Frnicatr” tour and consequently we could hear the songs of the album as well as the old hits, such as ‘Resurrekt’ during the gig.

The musicians presented peculiar devilish image during the show - strong make-ups (including body painting) that imitated wounds, extravagant clothes and hair-dos. All that scenic tools perfectly reflected their music and altogether gave the impression of irresistible power, aggression and violence. The concert itself was very powerful and profuse manifestation of evil vitality present in PSYCLON NINE’s music.

Music: 9
Performance: 9
Light: 9
Sound: 9
Total: 9

Written by Anne Kuhfuß, Karolina Moszkowicz and Ruth Gräbeldinger
All pics by Ruth Gräbeldinger except Psyclon Nine and Rotersand by

See also (all categories):