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anathema fallingdeeper
Artist: Anathema
Title: Falling Deeper
Genre: Classical / Rock
Release Date: 16th September 2011
Label: Kscope Music

Album Review

A certain feel for the majesty and the overwhelming emotional impact of classical instrumentation has been a part of ANATHEMA's music for a while now, may it be the piano or, more recently, string orchestration on 'We're Here Because We're Here'. ON their newest album ANATHEMA turn their focus to these particular elements in an effort to recreate parts of their past. Specifically songs off early albums where the Doom/Death metal influence was still predominant. The result is called 'Falling Deeper' and is visually drenched in bright sunlight, permeating the surface of the clearest water. In a certain way this can be seen a metaphor for how the pieces have been reconstructed. The first example being 'Crestfallen' opening up with a gentle piano melody. A piano melody that alone conveys as much poignancy while in the following minutes with the drums, the orchestra and the acoustic guitar multiply the impact.

One can foresee what simply must come within the next minutes of 'Kingdom'. The epic nature is hinted at within its first seconds; the following filled with dynamic us of strings, piano and percussions. The further it goes, the more the composition reaches out for your soul. Short but second to none in regards to t5o its evocative fabric is 'They Die'. It stirs up feelings of loss, feelings of desperation bundled at one focal point that at its event horizon splits these into heart-wrenching melodies. The invitation of Anneke van Giersbergen to be guest singer on 'Everwake' cannot be rated high enough. If you've seen her once before you just know how amazing her vocal presence is, and on 'Everwake' her voice climbs higher than the highest mountain goes when following the melodies lead. 'J'ai Fait une Promesse' leads to a dramatic turn of events. It's when you simply feel that something real bad happens. Or so it seems. The utmost fright turns into gleaming hope and relief realized alone by the means orchestration without any voices.

When I sometimes look out of my window, I'm getting the feeling I can literally see how time has past by, feel how much time was wasted for fleeting things, by lack of motivation. Seeing how this has changed a few years back; how life has changed , leaves me with a feeling of contentedness, though still far from being complete I think those years have made me a better and in some ways happier person. Maybe the missing pieces will finally come sometime. Why am I telling you this? It is the reflective spirit of 'We The Gods' that made me say this All the instruments working together make you realize how fleeting time actually is. Tempus fugit in music so to say. 'Sunset of Age' brings all the elements together in a stunning conclusion that builds from a gentle opening to a dramatic peak with guitars and strings making a unity. There couldn't be any better ending to the rather short album, which is the only downside to it for me. Otherwise there can be no doubts that ANATHEMA have delivered greatly on the album. Both thumbs up!!!


01. Crestfallen
02. Sleep in Sanity
03. Kingdom
04. They Die
05. Everwake
06. J'ai Fait une Promesse
07. Alone
08. We The Gods
09. Sunset of Age



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Cover Picture

anathema fallingdeeper


Music: 10
Sound: 10
Extras: -
Total: 10 / 10

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