Artist: Unzucht
Title: Kettenhund
Genre: Dark Rock
Release Date: 11th March 2016
Label: Out of Line
Album Review
“Bello” - this isn't just a typical name for a family-friendly dog. On construction sites, “Bello” is a also colloquial expression for a sledge hammer. Why this talk about dogs and hammers? Easy answer: Because UNZUCHT's new single and title track ‘Kettenhund’ (transl. “watch dog”) has been out since March and it's truly a neck breaking sledge hammer! With ‘Kettenhund’ the Dark Rockers from Hannover pursue a path harder and harsher than ever and they know how to put the hammer down: The song blows up right in your face starting with staggering guitars, drums gone totally wild, intense Death Metal screams and “Hey, hey!” shouts, and the repeating line “Ich bin Gott!” (transl. “I am God!”). UNZUCHT'S watch dog is on the loose – beware or bark along!
The second new track ‘Ein Tag wie jeder andere’ (transl. “A Day Just Like any Other”) is our beloved blend of the band's trademark melodic Dark Rock, Metal riffs, and Industrial elements next to meaningful lyrics sung in German. Even though it's more tuny and melancholic than the speedy and brutal title track, it's not less heavy rocking off your socks. The song begins with great guitar chords and then Der Schulz presents melodic and reflective verses about identity loss and a hymnal chorus expressing beseechingly the necessity for the end of a day like this (“Dieser Tag muss enden!” - transl. “This day must end!”). Vocally, this song has it all: Softer vocals during the verses and the powerful singing in the chorus harmonise perfectly with the captivating growls and silent whispers in the C part that's dealing with the change of wind.
Further, three successful remixes enrich this diverse single, which is limited to 999 pieces. ‘Kettenhund’ in a more industrial version by DIE KRUPPS sounds sinister and impelling at the same time – it's a hound of hell! Indeed it's no wonder that a remix of such a slaying UNZUCHT song by DIE KRUPPS turned out an Electro Metal smasher. In contrast, the breaks, dub-step elements and electronics in following FUNXFORCE remix make ‘Kettenhund’ a more danceable club hit, a dance floor filler. The atmospheric and smooth remix of ‘Ein Tag wie jeder andere’ by RANDOLPH'S GRIN is also very interesting and nicely done. Rejoice, if you like this remix for the hypnotic electro duo RANDOLPH'S GRIN are going to hit the road together with UNZUCHT on the “Neuntöter Tour 2016” at the end of the year.
UNZUCHT is a band that puts the pedal to the metal and both of the new tracks make you hungry for more. The Dark Rockers signed with the independent label Out of Line last November and now we can hardly wait for their fourth release to be called ‘Neuntöter’. In English, ‘Neuntöter’ is the red-backed shrike, a carnivorous passerine bird that's also nicknamed “butcher bird” for impaling its prey on thorns. Sounds like the follow up of ‘Todsünde 8’ (2012), ‘Rosenkreuzer’ (2013), and ‘Venus Luzifer’ (2014) is going to be a killer of an album.
01. Kettenhund
02. Ein Tag wie jeder andere
03. Kettenhund - Die Krupps Remix
04. Kettenhund - FunXForce Remix
05. Ein Tag wie jeder andere - Randolph's Grin Remix
Daniel De Clercq – Guitar, Electronics
Daniel “Der Schulz” Schulz – Vocals
Alex Blaschke – Bass
Toby Fuhrmann – Drums
http://unzucht-music.com / https://www.facebook.com/Unzucht
Cover Picture

Music: 8
Sound: 9
Total: 8.5 / 10